Extraordinary Faith
I wonder if you have read the remarkable story of the woman who crept up behind Jesus, squeezing through the crowd, far enough for her to reach out and feel the hem of his robe in her hands. Having suffered for years with a bleeding condition, she thought to herself, “If I just touch his clothes, I’ll be healed” (Mark 5: 28). And she was!
Mark seems to suggest that Jesus didn’t even know what had happened until after “power had gone out from him” (Mark 5: 30). What gave this lady such extraordinary faith? She hadn’t asked for healing and Jesus had given her no promises. In fact, it looks like Jesus didn’t even know she existed until she received her healing.
The text tells us that it was after she had ‘heard about Jesus’ that she came to him. Her faith simply came from that: what she had heard about Jesus.
What have you heard about Jesus that can help you in your time of need? Surely, so many things, if we stop for a while and think about it. We have many accounts of Jesus in the gospels – stories of his love, his compassion, his authority over sickness and death. We read of his miracles, like walking on water or calming a powerful storm.
And then we have our own stories of how he has been faithful to us in the past. Answers to prayer, a chance meeting with someone, a realization that you are not the person you used to be before coming to faith in Christ. Then there are the many testimonies of brothers and sisters around the world who have experienced the transforming power of God, the deliverance of God, the provision of God through Jesus.
Sometimes we just need remember what he has already done and then reach out a hand to him to see what he will do today. Jesus said, “Which of you, if your son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!” Matt 7: 9 – 11
Anybody can have extraordinary faith. Perhaps it starts with simply thinking about what we have heard about Jesus and remembering what we (and others) have already experienced. Then it continues with the active resting on the unchanging promises of his Word and trusting he can do it again. Are you ready to reach out a hand and touch the edge of His robe?
Suggested prayer: Next time you want to ask God for something, first spend time thanking Him for what He has already done. Remind yourself of His faithfulness in your life, in the lives of others and in the narratives of the Scriptures. Then, as you bring your request to him, imagine reaching out a hand and touching the edge of His robe.
If you have enjoyed this 4-min devotion, then check out Ps Terry’s Bite-size devotions for the busy Christian, available at Kharis Publishing and Leadership Books.
Terry Nightingale is a pastor serving in the southern suburbs of Perth, Western Australia, having previously worked in Christian education both in the UK and Perth. He graduated from Vose Seminary with a Masters in Divinity in 2016. He loves sharing the Gospel and teaching the Word of God.
Terry and Sue arrived in Australia in 2003 from the UK for a 1-year adventure. They never returned! The beaches, the sun and God’s call upon their lives persuaded them to settle in the land ‘down-under’. Today they have two grown-up children both married, with four grandchildren and counting.
Terry writes a popular weekly blog at terrynightingale.com called ‘4-minute Devotions’, short Bible -centred messages for the busy Christian on the go. He also writes Christian worship music and plays the guitar.
Looking Back to Move Forward is his first non-fiction book for Christian leaders – in fact for anyone who occasionally faces discouragement or setbacks. His second book, based on his blog, is entitled Bite-size devotions for the busy Christian.