What is Vide

Vide is a Latin word that means, “to direct attention to a particular page or book.” We are called and dedicated to direct the attention of readers worldwide to books that demonstrate a biblically-based worldview on the relevant topics of yesterday, today and tomorrow, so to be enriching for readers in their Gospel witness.

We are not a typical self-publisher, but a hybrid publisher offering authors top-quality books, global distribution, and effective marketing and publicity. Unlike many self-publishers who will publish virtually anything, we publish select titles and maintain high-quality editorial standards. We are always searching for new voices, articulate Christian writers who have the courage to confront the issues challenging today’s culture and our faith. If you’re writing a book and are looking for a publishing partner, someone who will champion your message, consider VIDE Press.

Contact us today for a FREE publishing webcast. The team at Leadership Books, our publishing partner that powers Vide Press, will be happy to talk to you about how your book can influence America and the world!

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About Leadership Books

Leadership Books is an emerging powerhouse in book publishing. We’ve joined the two worlds of traditional and self-publishing into one company that can help do it all. Our capabilities and relationships allow us to create targeted and integrated book campaigns that mobilize high-profile contacts in your niche, capitalize on word-of-mouth marketing through social marketers, and extend your reach into the most prominent media publications. Our authors have the unparalleled service of an Executive Editor, one who will work with you in putting your story ideas into book form. Once that’s completed, our professional designers will work with you to design the cover and interior to make your book ready to sell.